Arrangement Of Fiber Brush types
Type "L", "LW", Or "S" ("Tooth Brush Types")

Brushes can be installed in virtually any position with respect to the shaft, i.e. tangential, or axial (riding against shaft parallel to the centerline), or against the shaft end. They may be positioned against the top or bottom of the shaft, or anywhere in-between.
Type "A" ("Plunger Type")

For axial or radial arrangement, can be installed in the same shaft contact positions as type “L” & “S” but it is especially suited for axial installation against the shaft end, and for other arrangements where machine configurations are not suitable for type “L”. The end cover (axial) arrangement is often the only possible way to install a brush while the machine is in operation. The features of type “A” are especially desirable for field retrofitting, but the design is not quite as simple and rugged as type “L”.