
Installation Examples

Type-L Brush in turbine-generator service
View of internal brush cartridge after removal.

Type-L brushes in turbine-generator application
Note: Type of brush mounting flange shown is non-standard (but is readily available). Be sure to specify.

Type-LW brush installation
Two brushes are installed in one location, mounted side-by-side in “twin” configuration.

Type-LW/ twin shaft riding brushes in turbine-generator application

Type-LW/ twin shaft riding brushes in turbine-generator application

Note: Ease of servicing brush while on-line.

Type-LW shaft riding brushes in turbine-generator application

Type-L brush in turbine-generator service

Raising screw being used to lift brush from shaft.

Type-A shaft riding brush mounted on a gearbox.
Note: Ground wire had not yet been connected.

Type-L brush in turbine-generator service

Removal of internal cartridge while unit on line.