
Excerpted From Turbomachinery Publications By J.S Sohre

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Electromagnetic Shaft Currents

Publication No.20

“Electromagnetic Shaft Currents and Demagnetization on Rotors of Turbines and Compressors”, by J.S. Sohre & Paul I. Nippes, presented December 1978 at the 7th Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (21 pages, 20 figures). First revised reprint. (Note: This is a detailed description).

Publication No.23

“Are Magnetic Currents Destroying Your Machinery?” Hydrocarbon Processing, April 1979. Pages 207-212. Edited excerpts from reference 20. (Note: This is an introductory presentation).

Publication No.24

“Electromagnetic Shaft Currents in Turbomachinery—An Update”. Part I:”Status Review and Shaft Brush Development”, by J.S. Sohre. Part II:”Magnetics and Demagnetization, by Paul I. Nippes. Presented at the 25th Symposium, “Safety in Ammonia Plants and Related Facilities”‘American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Portland, Oregon, August 1980 (48 pages). (Note: This is a continuation of reference 20).

Publication No.29

“Shaft Currents in Rotating Equipment, Electromagnetic and Moving Particle Induced”, an informal review of literature, 1971. 22 pages.

Publication No.30

“Electromagnetic Shaft Current Control “, Original (unedited) version of Panel Discussion presented at the 10th Turbomachinery Symposium, Including presentation by Nippes, Sandner, Sutherland, and Sohre. (43 pages, 17 figures).

Shaft Brushes

Publication No.20b

“Electromagnetic Shaft Currents and Demagnetization on Rotors of Turbines and Compressors”, by J.S. Sohre & Paul I. Nippes, presented December 1978 at the 7th Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (21 pages, 20 figures). First revised reprint. (Note: This is a detailed description).

Publication No.28

“Are Magnetic Currents Destroying Your Machinery?” Hydrocarbon Processing, April 1979. Pages 207-212. Edited excerpts from reference 20. (Note: This is an introductory presentation).

Publication No.37

“Electromagnetic Shaft Currents in Turbomachinery—An Update”. Part I:”Status Review and Shaft Brush Development”, by J.S. Sohre. Part II:”Magnetics and Demagnetization, by Paul I. Nippes. Presented at the 25th Symposium, “Safety in Ammonia Plants and Related Facilities”‘American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Portland, Oregon, August 1980 (48 pages). (Note: This is a continuation of reference 20).

Learn More About Alleviating Your Shaft Current Issues